History, Military, Wars & Conflicts, World War I
The Silent Sixtieth 100 Years On
The Story of the 60th Canadian Overseas Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force In the Great War by Reginald A. Gervais
The Silent Sixtieth, is the story of the 60th Canadian Overseas Battalion, in World War One. Originally begun simply as research into the author’s ancestry, The Silent Sixtieth evolved into a history of the 60th Canadian Overseas Battalion in...
Training For Armageddon
Niagara Camp in the Great War, 1914-1919 by Richard D. Merritt
Over the past 225 years the oak savannah at the mouth of the Niagara River -- designated as a Military Reserve but regarded by the local citizenry as their common lands-- has witnessed a broad spectrum of military, political and cultural...